Sunday, November 11, 2007

Week 12 writting assignment

I think that the Turing test is a good test of intelligence, it is interesting however that no programme has ever passed it. To determine weather or not a computer is intelligent one has to prove it has the ability to think intelligently like a human. This test defiantly proves that by comparing the computer to the human to see if one can tell the two apart. This might be the best and easiest way for us to judge if it is an "intelligent" machine. However we are really the only one's who can determine if something is intelligent, and to make it fair we have this test.

Some drawbacks are that the evaluators are human and can be byest. For example evaluators knowledge and background can effect there answers. A better way to determine weather a computer is intelligent would be to build a programme that is unbiased to determine it. Although a programme can have it's drawbacks to, and that would be a hard programme to write.


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